(there aren't many listed)


The most basic of all grinds, it is just both feet on the rail at the same time, for regular grinders the left foot is in front, goofy grinders have their right foot first.


The exact same as a frontside, but instead of grinding while facing the element you would face away from it.


This grind is similar to a Front Slide, except your back foot should be tweaked over onto its outside edge.


To pull this trick, just cross your legs and slide.

Cheese Grater

To get this trick, all you have to do is figure out how to slide with your toes pointing outwards in opposite directions.


Usually done on rails.  Have your front foot in the Front Slide position, but hook your back foot over the rail; slide on your laces.

I stole some of the trick definitions from
and if you have any more suggestions for tricks, e-mail me at

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